C&C completed the project maintaining a healthy relationship with both the client and the developer, Grosvenor, throughout and meeting all the expectations and ideas required. Providing the Hilton with a professional yet modern look was a key aspect to fitting with the local modern scenery of Liverpool One.
An accelerated programme was required from the client and that is what the client received. C&C were then asked to complete additional work with the client post practical completion of the project.
Another problem facing C&C Catering Equipment Ltd was difficult City Centre delivery restrictions. Delivery of all the equipment was completed even with the access issues. The deliveries were completed on time to the relief of the client, even with the accelerated delivery programme required.
C&C have continued their good working relationship with GWP and on this particular job have worked alongside FCSI Consultant Bob Plumb to complete the job to all expectations.
Get in touch
Head Office
C&C Catering Equipment Limited
Quarry Buildings
Hill Road
01244 625170
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